Automation Manager used to Assemble Mobile Devices
Assembly of many of today's devices requires precise alignment. Connectors are small and intricate
and their location prior to being "pressed in" requires this precise alignment
Advantages/Benefits. :
- Automation Manger is very flexible and can integrate diverse hardware very quickly , in this case 5 axis are being controlled integrating two different motion controls in the same machine
- Integrating multiple cameras
- controlling all digital io on the machine ie the cycle start, vacuum, part presence sensors and limit sensors.
NOTE no PLC is used - A workflow instructs the operator of the steps as he inserts the phone and runs the machine
- Tailored user interface to customer needs
- Ability to run the machine to the user defined tolerance and press force configurations
Automation Manager Features Used :
- Event Logging
- Product Counting
- Workflow operator guidance
- Image logging of faulty parts
- Motion Control interface provides a DRO (Digital Read Out) for each controller and the interface to manually move the axis in maintenance mode
Hardware :
- Advantech IO card
- Coolmuscle and UIRobot (UIM 214) motion devices (both controlled via usb serial interface)
- UEye usb cameras
- Basic Computer
Operation :
On Assembly lines of phones operators place the phone on the device.
The machine then
- brings the device under the camera(s)
- if required any protective foils are removed by the motion of an axis
- performs the vision analysis to determine the alignment offsets
- performs the alignment
- verifies the device/connector are correctly aligned
- operate the downward axis the press / exert the precise force to make the connection
- Monitor vacuum conditions through the processes
- Ensure the axis and operator are safe at all times
Typical System Performance :
- Inspection time msec
- complete cycle time, ie Align and press typically 20-40sec